What is East Meru Community School?
We are a Tanzanian registered English Medium Primary School, with classes of approximately 25 children each, including a Prep class and Standards (Years)1 to 7 (the final year of Primary).
English is the language of instruction for all subjects (except Kiswahili), in contrast to Tanzanian Government Primary Schools where Kiswahili is used, giving our students a huge advantage if and when they progress on to Secondary School, where all subjects are taught in English.
Where are we?
The school has been built on a beautiful, tranquil piece of farmland, nestled between the majestic Mt Meru and Mt Kilimanjaro, 20kms from the main Arusha to Moshi road. See map for location. See Our Village for more information.
The land was generously donated by Mr. Elibariki Shanguya and his wife Jaquiline who are both board members of our Tikundane registered NGO, and the land is now legally owned by the school. We will remain eternally grateful to Mr Elibariki and his wife, without whom the East Meru Community School would not exist.
What is the school like now?
With many thanks to our donors, we have:
A multipurpose dining hall, kitchen, and food store.
An administration building.
2 toilet blocks, including full access toilets.
A staff toilet block.
8 purpose-built classrooms.
A purpose built library
A sewing workshop.
A shoe making workshop.
A concrete play area with handwashing facilities.
A dish washing building.
Large capacity rainwater harvesting tanks.
Piped water, thanks to OIKOS an Italian NGO.
Solar power in the Administration Building.
A solar powered water pump.
A large playing field.
Why are we called a Community School?
We are rooted in the community and believe very strongly in the important role that the community plays in our school. For more information about our relationship with the Community please go to our Community Involvement page.
We are so committed to remaining rooted within the community that we have no plans to provide any boarding facilities for our children and they return home each day - we want them to remember who they are, and to remember the very important role that they play within their families and the community as a whole.